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Movembowl: Moustaches for the Blood God!

Writer's picture: Daniel GriffinDaniel Griffin

For those of you who are unaware, Movember is an organisation that raises awareness and money for cancer research that specifically affects Men. Each year it runs a month long fundraising initiative during the month of November to raise money for testicular and prostate cancer research; Hence why it's called Movember. The Melbourne Blood Bowl Association has made the decision to partner with Tom Prince from Movember to raise money for cancer research. By supporting Tom to raise money for Movember we're supporting men and their families who are affected by cancer. We've aptly titled the event Movembowl: Moustache for the Blood God, and it'll be taking place on the 01.12.2024

My story

To help people understand my motivaiton for supporting this initiative I think it's worth sharing some of my own experience with Cancer. Cancer is an illness that has deeply effected my family. When I was in my final year of High School my Mum died of Breast Cancer. It was sudden and shocking and completely upended our lives for a good 5 years or so and quite frankly still effects myself and my family to this day some 20 years later. Late last year at the end of 2023 my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. A cancer that effects 13 out of 100 men in their lifetime. The median age of which is 69 years old.

I'm willing to put money on the possibility that the majority of you will know someone who has had cancer or been directly or indirectly effected by it. Whilst cancer research is one of the highest funded industries in the country, there is still more we can do and learn in the persuit of improving the outcomes of cancer patients around the world.

What is Movembowl?

Movembowl is a 3 round casual Blood Bowl 7's event. It's purpose is to be a good time for those playing and to raise money for cancer research. The rules package for the event can be found below.

To support people to understand the event and how to participate i've created a short FAQ that will hopefully answer peoples questions and i've added link here - If anyone wants to do further research to understand the important role Movember plays in cancer research and awareness.

To sign up, click on the link below:

A quick note on entry fees - An entry fee is being enstated for this event. The entry fee is a direct donation to Tom Prince's Movember Charity drive. Entry is $25. A BBQ will be provided. Donations can be made here -

The future of Movembowl

The ideal scenario is to have this be a regular feature on the M.B.B.A. event calendar. So if this is an event you want to see on an issue that you care about then come, donate, play some Blood Bowl and have a great time supporting a great cause.


When is it?

  • Movembowl 2024 will be taking place on the 01.12.2024. Check the event calendar for all the event information and the calendar hold.

Where is it?

  • At the abode of your illustrious League Comissioner.

What are the roster construction and tournament rules?

  • Roster construction and format rules can be found in the tournament rules package linked above.

How do I sign up?

  • Sign up can be done by clicking the event link above.

How do I donate?


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