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Melbourne Blood Bowl Association 


The Melbourne Blood Bowl Association is an organisation that seeks to bring you the best Blood Bowl experience possible. We're dedicated growing the Melbourne Blood Bowl scene by emphasising tough, fair and social competition. Our premier event is the M.B.B.A. Premier League. Run once a year, the Premier League is the most prestigious competition we run where the winner is immortalised on the perpetual trophy.


The Melbourne Blood Bowl Premier League initially started out as a way to replicate a traditional home and away league system where each team would play each other twice, once at home and once away. I was fed up and bored of the lack of competitive league play in Melbourne across the various games I was involved in where the focus was on one off events, playing for packs or store credit and really offering nothing to show for your continued excellence in a particular setting.  Initially I was throwing around ideas of how to start an SCG style system for Magic the Gathering. I thought, if I could get a store on board the idea of keeping track of win/loss/draw and then offer something to play for at the end of the season then that might offer the ongoing competitive outlet I was seeking. I quickly realised that I wasn't going to get very far with MTG and turned my sights to Blood Bowl. I first started playing Blood Bowl in about 2009. A friend sold it to me as sport for nerds, and being the avid sport fan and super nerd that I am, jumped right on that train. With the reintroduction of Blood Bowl 2020, it seemed like the perfect time to get involved again. Add to that I found myself amongst a growing number of equally interested people in league play, it seemed like a no brainer.  If you interested in learning more you can check out the Melbourne Blood Bowl Association landing page where you can keep up to date with the scores, fixtures and ladder as we chase glory on the Blood Bowl field.  Get in touch, Daniel

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